Boomer Lit Friday Blog Hop - April 12, 2013
I'm excited to be participating in my first ever Boomer Lit Friday Blog Hop. What is a Blog Hop? Hones
tly, I didn't know either. Learn more about Blog Hops here. Every Friday, I'll be featuring an excerpt from The Last Place She'd Look, just like this one: What did men see when they looked at me? Many times when our eyes met for the first time, I sensed they were saying, “Light me up, right now. Show me the magic of your hot, sexy love.” Who can live up to that one-minute do-or-die first impression? Comedian Bill Maher said, “There comes a time when women should just forget about men. It’s called menopause.” Was this happening to me? Having spent most of my life as a celibate heterosexual, this was a tough concept to embrace. Then I thought, “Was I an unsuccessful heterosexual?” I’d been climbing the penis tree for so long, the results were seldom worth the hike. If I was as wonderful, funny, and interesting as most friends said I was, then why was finding a relationship so difficult? Check out the other books and authors featured on the Blog Hop Boomer Lit Friday, week of April 12 and look forward to more excerpts from The Last Place She'd Look here, every Friday.